My iPhone alarm doesn't work if I've slept too little?

I tend to stay up late, like Really late. Back when I was in high school and I had morning classes, I would sometimes stay up until 4 to 5 am, set several alarms for 7 am and go to sleep, only to wake up at noon, miss the classes, get in trouble, you got it. Now, I have a job and I wake up at 10 to 11 am, so it hasn't been a trouble for me until today. I want to try and adapt to the Everyman sleep schedule, so yesterday, right before falling asleep at 3 am, I set my alarm to 6. And guess what, it didn't go off and I've slept till noon again.
Has anyone else faced this problem? Any ideas how to get around it?

Don't sleep so late maybe? does go off… We just turn it off in our sleeping stupor… All you need is 1 alarm that increasingly gets louder… And your phones needs to be just out of reach from your bed so that you must get off to turn it off… This will work guaranteed

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