My iphone was stolen will they give me a new one?
I have insurance on it. I purchased it from Tmobile & Also if not What phones will i be able to buy?
It was an iphone 6
You'll get a refurbished model.
As you have insurance it will be replaced. Did you have Find My iPhone enabled? If so then you can remotely lock your phone from once you lock it the phone will be nothing more than a paperweight to the thief
Yes, they might give you, consult the customer department and If you want to have some great security app, I prefer you to intall Leo Privacy Guard in your device. It is the most advanced app when it come to security.
- Will they give me a new iPhone? - 1 Hi so I recently got the new iPhone 5 and I noticed that right out of the box there was some dust in the camera and now I saw that there's a black blob right when I want to take a picture, if I go to apple will they give me a new phone or a refurbished one? And will all my info be transferred?
- Will Apple still want my broken iPhone 5 since they are sending me a new one? I called Apple support yesterday and I told them my screen had cracked on the iPhone 5 and they told me they couldn't repair it cause its still so new so they will charge me $250-$300 which I have no problem paying. I'm wondering though will they want me to send my broken iPhone 5 to them after they ship me a new one? Cause I wanna sell my old one to get the money for the new replacement. Does anyone know if Apple will force me to or not?
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- My iPhone got stolen so I ordered a new one, the person then gave it back. Can I sell my new iPhone? I had my iPhone stolen at a campground. I deactivated it and failed a claim to get a new iPhone. The person that stole it then turned it in. Since I have my iPhone back can I sell the new one to a friend?