My new boyfriend won't let me talk to my family?

So my new boyfriend stopped letting me talk to any of my family or friends. He took my iPhone away from me and even changed the password on his phone to keep me from using it.

When I asked him for my phone back he told me that he sold it. He says that he's just doing it to protect me.

He's much older than I'm and more experienced in relationships so I want to trust him, but I really miss my mom and my sisters.

I was going to sneak out to visit them two days ago but he locked me in the bathroom and braced a chair up against the door so I couldn't leave. I haven't even been to school in like two weeks.

I borrowed the neighbor's phone and called my mom to pick me up but I'm really worried about what he's going to do when I eventually go back home to him.

Is this normal behavior in a new relationship?

Dump him. He is a control freak! He stole your phone, and tried to keep you from your family? "Boyfriends" like that are psychotic. Make sure everyone knows where you are at all times, and never EVER allow yourself to be alone with him, no matter what!

That is kidnapping umm. I'd call the police because he is not letting you leave and that is NOT healthy at all. Don't even think about trying to go back to live with him. He is obviously possessive and crazy. He is controlling your life and that is not okay. Go live with your family and stay away from him. Please stay safe.

This guy is really dangerous
Call your mom and leave for good
Do Not ever go back with this guy
unless you want to get kill
I'm serious ;;this guy can kill you

Mother of 5 grown up

You need to have an exit strategy to get out of this controlling relationship

Do whatever you can to GET OUT, and get to a place where there are people- like a convenience store, a gas station, anywhere. Never mind what you do or don't take - if you can get to a phone, call 9-1-1, tell them your address and that this is a kidnapping.

This guy is showing classic signs of domestic abuse- taking you away from family, taking away communication, and controlling your actions. He's really, really dangerous, and you need to get away as fast as you can.

this website can help

DO NOT Go back "home" to him. That isn't your home- it's where you were being held. He'll probably tell you he loves you and apologize- and he will do that every time until he kills you. Don't feel guilty, just get help, and get away from him forever. He doesn't love you- he wants to keep you captive and that's not at all the same.

Great fiction story, publish it, make money, look forward to seeing more of your work

So whose device are you using to post this question?

This is really hard to believe. How old are you? Regardless, he has committed several felonies here. How did a relationship with a "new" boyfriend escalate so quickly?

On the offchance you truly wonder if this is normal, of course not. He's probably a couple steps away from killing you. So you need to stop and think about the position you're putting your mom in. It will be scary for her to come and get you, but if your plan is just to see her and then go back to him, I can't think of anything more unfair to your mom. She's not coming to get you for a visit. She's coming to save your life. So respect that and do what she tells you to do.

Time to breakup.

Men who try to control their women become harder and harder to keep happy, and they are the men who end up beating their woman. Even killing them.

He has no respect for you. He is not able to love. And by the time he starts seriously injuring you, he will have undermined your self-esteem SO much that you will find it very difficult to escape from him.

And it all starts with isolating you from your support group (family/friends).

I worked in our local battered women's shelter for a few years after getting my degree in Psychology.

Break up NOW.
Move back home with your family if you need to, for a while.
Forget about your phone. You can always buy another one. But if he kills you, you can't fix THAT.

Yeah, older men who date much-younger women often ARE controlling abusers. It all fits the pattern.

No, this behavior is totally abnormal and extremely dangerous for you.