My otterbox cracked, will Otterbox replace it for free?

Hi so yesterday I identically dropped my iPhone on the ground and part of my otter box broke. The part right around the bottom near the plugin cracked off. Now what I want to know is if I can phone otter box and get another case, by the way I have the commuter series. I purchased my otter box in the local Telus shop on November 3rd, now will I have to completely buy a new one, go to my local telus shop and explain to them what happened, or phone otter box and request that they send me a new one?

I think you should give you a new one but bring money for a new just in case.

my LGG4 Phoenix cell with otterbox was damanged beyond repair. How can i get it replaced for free>

my LGG4 Phoenix cell with otterbox was damanged beyond repair. How can i get it replaced for free>

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