My phone is connected to the internet but doesn't show the Wi-Fi bar logo?

So I was in the middle of watching a video until my phone died. I charged it and waited for it to restart again. It did but didn't connect to the Wi-Fi after at least waiting 15 seconds for it to connect. I opened the settings app and checked if it was connected. It was connected with a check mark but there was no Wi-Fi bar logo. I was confused and tried watching some videos (which didn't work). Does anyone have a solution to this?

P.S, I have a iPhone 6s for anyone who is curious.

Turn off the Wi-Fi and then reactivated it or restart the phone. I'm sure it is a temporary glitch.

Your question says you are connected to the internet, but the details say you couldn't watch videos, so that is a little confusing.

Sometimes you can connect to wi-fi but the wif-fi is not connected to the internet. On my phone it still has the wi-fi symbol, but puts an exclamation next to it. I don't know about your phone or if it is an issue, but something to think about/check.

Go into airplane mode and then turn only the wi-fi back on. See if you have any internet connection (go to google or somewhere easy to connect to).

I don't want to sound like a toxic Android user when I say this, but new iOS updates don't work on older Apple models, and this could have caused a problem with your Info Display. Unlike Android and yeah I'm sorry I don't want to sound like that guy but its TRUE. It doesn't even have to be an Android driven phone, just anything BUT iOS and you will be prosperous.