Os it possible to make an iphone app on windows?

I have judt started learning c langauage and want to make apps for iphone but i don't have a mac.though i have an iphone. Can i make ios apps on windows 7 or 8?

Yes it is possible.

If you are a beginner in C, you'll take time to start creating apps. You'll need to deeply learn C and then learn Java, php, etc. Work with any OS to create the app It's no big deal. Don't go for looking at iOS, Win7/8, Mac, Linux, etc. At this level. There are so many things you should know first.
There's this software called "UNITY".It's the ultimate tool for video game development, architectural visualizations, and interactive media installations. Check it out once. Download from unity3d.com/

No! You have to learn the following languages too:-
C#, C++, .Net and of course Java(must).
Try to be master of these languages and then go for building an application that works for iphone, android, kindle, kindle fire.

These applications are build using eclipse which also provide a device interface in which you can simulataneously see how the app function without exporting it as final.
I have built 20 applications of mine and 60-70 applications under my project team.

MUST MUST LEARN JAVA FIRST. (Without that you can't even think of building an app). Java is found on everydevice.

So dude,
Its better if you master yourself in C and Other Languages also as mentioned by others,
In other Case, if you are looking for developing apps for just practice or fun, I'd recommend you to use Virtual Machine, and instal Mac in it.