Is there a free caller ID app to allow you to see names?

Someone told me there's a Iphone app to allow you to see the name of the person calling. At this point my Iphone only shows the number unless of course they are in my contacts. I'd like to see the names of people if there's a app for it.

Is it possible to unlock AT&T iPhone?

The thing is - I want to buy iPhone 4 and if I buy it on eBay can I unlock it by myself?

I'm from Europe, btw, so there's no way AT&T iPhone would work.

It's just that price differences between AT&T and factory unlocked are about 200$ so I'm wondering can I do it myself.

Can I use a Sprint iPhone 4S on the Verizon network?

My friend is selling their Sprint iPhone 4S for a good price and I'm wanting to use it on the Verizon network. I don't want to waste the money if it won't work. Please give valid answers and a source if you have one.

I can't decide which color of iPhone Lifeproof case to get! Teenage Girl?

Hi! I'm going to be purchasing this awesome phone case, but i'm stumped on which color to get! Which one do YOU like? Some teenage girl opinions would be nice.
My favorite color is pink, but this is more pale than I would like, but it's still pretty! Which One!
Thanks for your opinion!


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Can I get a phone card for the Iphone?

A friend of mine at work says she has a phone card for her phone. She just has a slide phone, pretty basic. She says all you do is scratch something off the card and call or something to activate it and she gets unlimited everything(internet, texts, calls). I was wondering if you could get this for the iphone? She says it's much cheaper than a plan.
but I do know that the iphone is pretty expensive without a contract.