Could a pdf put spyware or a virus on an iPhone?

I received an email from someone I met online (I gave them my email and they sent me a book we had been talking about), but so the book was an e book, I don't know how they made it into a pdf, but they sent it to me and I opened it and it was the book. I saved the book from safari onto my notes (I would click a link on my notes to access it). I was wondering could a pdf, which is a book, so it didn't have links or anything, could that infect an iPhone without me realizing that it was a virus or malware. Would my phone show signs of anything? Is it possible for someone to hack your iPhone remotely with a pdf?

Why does my life keep getting worse?

I have no friends and I always get into fights with my family members. My mom and dad hates me. Last week my dad smashed my iphone for playing too long on it. All the home invasion scenes that I cause and I get bullied at school a lot screw it. My parents recently kicked me out of the house recently and now I'm officially homeless. **** my turdy *** life, I can't get any ideas from nobody. Fyi: my grades are trash and can't get a damn job, and I'm already 16, haven't made a cent yet in this cruel world. My parents still buy stuff for me. Someone give advice to help me improve

Can a pdf give your iPhone a virus or put malware onto it?

I had received an email from someone I met over the internet and they were sending a pdf to me. I opened the pdf and it popped up of safari, I then saved it onto my notes, where I would click a link on my notes and the pdf would come up. Is this considered a download? If that pdf contained malware could it have infected my iPhone? I had block fraudulent sites and things like that, but I don't knoe if it would work on a PDF.