What apps that are good to use for edit videos and music for iPhone?
What apps that are good to use for edit videos and music for iPhone?
What apps that are good to use for edit videos and music for iPhone?
If you don't eat food, you would die. Nobody would die if they don't have an iPhone. So, shouldn't the price of food be higher than an iPhone?
Added (1). and most people don't know how to grow their own food which increases their perceived value
Added (2). This is strictly economic question, not a morality question
I've been trying to clear up some space on my iPhone, and recently I noticed that I have a few albums labeled from My Computer.
I've tried going through iTunes, but my phone doesn't seem to sync up to it, and there's nothing in the setting that will let me get rid of them. I can't even find the actual pictures on my computer, so I have no idea what to do. It's gotten to the point where these pictures are annoying me. I think they were once used as backgrounds, but I can't find the folders or anything.
I only haven2 apps installed, I have iPhone se 64gb rose gold, thanks
Can I use ebates via PayPal without linking my bank account info to my iPhone? Can I just accumulate cash back?
I got a new iPhone 8, and i'm trying to download new apps, but it just does the circle loading buffering thing is this suppose to happen?
Added (1). What do I do to fix it?
Tracking a iphone without detrction?
Does any one have a jailbreak link for iphone 11.2.6?
My Ipad has an old racing app that SEGA removed from the app store and I really want to play it again but my Ipad always crashes. Is there a way that i can transfer the app to my iphone? If so please explain.
I've recently acquired a pair of old speakers off ebay. I've hooked them up to a Cambrdge A100 Amplifier.
I've connected the Iphone 4 to the amplifier through a Digitial to Analogue Audio converter through an Aux to Coaxal cable.
This then connects to the amplifier through standard RCA cables.
I unfortunately don't get any sound coming through the speakers, other than a bit of feedback and crackling when the volume nob is twisted.
The speakers work fine when connected to an AA battery for testing, the amplifier i'm sure works, as does the iphone.
What am i doing wrong? I'm completely new to this set up so any advice would be good!
Added (1). EDIT: So the DAC has gone but still nothing coming through… What's the best way to test the system?