Is 10mbps fast enough for 4 people?

Well currently i use 14mbps connection my download speed is 1.5mb/s
we have 4 laptop, 3 iphone and 1 samsung. But we do not use both laptop and phone at the same time
Most of us only use for mail, facebook, stream youtube(most 480p)
and watch anime with 360p quality vai iphone.
I want to change my plan to 10mbps because i can't afford 14mbps which price is x2 to10mbps.(ex:10mbps price 50$/month then 14mbps is 100$).Is it ok if i change my plan to 10mbps?

How to only have 3.1 gbs left on my iPhone 5s that I just bought last night. Read below?

I bought my phone yesterday. It is a 16 gb one. It says I've used 9.1 gbs and only have 3.1 left. I have no apps downloaded, I have no photos yet. I'm signed into iCloud so I could have my contacts saved from my old phone. I've barely used my phone. I updated it to the new iOS 8.3 or whatever. Why is it doing this. Is something wrong with my phone

Iphone is stuck in recovery mode? - 2

My Iphone is stuck in recovery mode and I want to save it without restoring my phone and losing everything. I know of recboot and I have that downloaded but when I try to use it to exit out of recovery mode it pops up with a Microsoft.NET Framework 3.2 message that starts out with saying there's an unhandled exception. Any help? I'm desperate. I Can't lose everything on my phone. It has my life on it.

My iphone home button isn't working?

I have this iPhone 4s. The home button doesn't work. It's stuck on voice control. Where you double tap an app and it tells you what app you're on and you double tap just to get into it. Its annoying. Is there any trick into getting it to turn on? The home button doesn't work at all

My iPhone 5s is lagging while I'm on call?

Ok, so for example I would be talking to my boyfriend in the phone and I would say hello. It would take at least 5 seconds until he hears that hello. And it's the same for his phone as well. Every time we say something it doesn't get through till at least 5 seconds. And it's so frustrating it's like we're replying late to what we're saying to each other. We're talking through FaceTime Audio btw. My phone is off. So I use the Wi-Fi. But this happened recently with the lagging. Why?

Is there a fix for the music app on iPhone?

I have the iPhone 6 and running iOS 8.3. My music will not stay open it just crashes every time. I've restarted the phone/ reset/ and restored. How in the world can I fix this? I seriously want to throw the phone I'm just that frustrated!