IPhone 5 keeps restarting by itself

Please Help! My iPhone 5 has no issue or anything, dropped it a few times but it still works perfectly fine. The day before yesterday, i was using my phone, then randomly, it restarted by itself, so the apple logo showed up, i thought it was normal but i have waited for 2 hours! Then some error with numbers showed up with the apple logo, i was freaking out, i didn't know what to do, then it turned off, black screen, then i used my charger to turn it on (cause my power button doesn't work) so it was lowbatt and the red battery showed up in the screen, then after a few minutes, the apple logo showed up again, for 2 hours I've waited, then again, the error showed up, then finally it came back again, i could use it again, then after 30 minutes, it restarted by itself, AGAIN. This keeps on happening. I don't really know what to do. Please help me. I don't know if the battery of the phone has a problem? Or something inside the phone needs to be replaced? What should i do?

IPhone 6 screen cracked badly. Can it be fixed?

I can't even enter in my passcode or even scan my finger print. Is it fixable? I have Applecare+ & this would be my first time ever cracking an iPhone. How long will Apple take to fix my phone?

Finding deleted or hidden texts?

Long story short, I believe my girlfriend is texting another guy because how she acted when I tried to look at her phone.
I found a text from a guy asking what she was doing but there were no other texts. I think she deleted them before coming to see me.
Anyways. She had an LG Flex and I'm wondering if I can see deleted texts like on the iPhone with the spotlight search or anywhere particular I can look and see if I can find anything? Any help at all is appreciated. I just need to put my mind at ease.

Brand new iPhone 6+ won't turn on?

I just got my brand new iphone 6+ from the mail and I'm charging it and it won't turn on, it's been on the charger for 5 hours and I held the lock button, no power up.

Ios 8 music not showing up on ifile?

Ok i have a jailbroken iphone 5S on 8.1.2. I have some songs I downloaded off of linktunes (It integrates third party music into my legit music). I need to get the songs on to Dropbox to make a cd. I have tried ifile and filza I have the right file path (the folders with all the numbers) but when ever I open the folders there's no music. Where could they be? Could linktunes have moved them?

How much will this fall's iPhone cost?

Normally, when a new iPhone comes out, it replaces the old one's advertised prices of $199, $299, etc.

For example, if you don't know what I'm talking about, the iPhone 4 cost $199 (advertised price) and when the iPhone 5 came out, it replaced that cost of $199 and the 4 became $99. Do you follow me?

I'm wondering if the iPhone this fall will follow that pattern, or be more expensive than the 6.

I'm in need of a new phone and I can't decide if I should buy the 6 now or wait and get the newer one this fall for the same price.

Hopefully someone with a background in phone sales will be able to answer this! But all opinions are welcome and appreciated!