What are those things called?

There are these cover type things for newer models of iphones or ipods that have the different plug and they can go on top of the older plug. IIm wondering because I have a nice speaker that is for ipod 4th generation etc. And don't want to buy a new one. They kind of look like the end of a charger without the chord i don't know…

Will I be charged if I receive an oncoming call while traveling abroad?

I'm traveling abroad and taking my iPhone. I don't have an international package so I'm not planning on making any calls or sending messages. However, what if someone calls me instead? What will happen if I ignore the call and let it go straight to voicemail? Will I get charged for it?

How to remove messaging entirely from Iwatch?

I don't want be bothered all day and night with people texting me. If want to see who is texting me I'll use my phone.

Added (1). After doing an internet search on the "Iwatch" I did find some great tips. Turning off notifications for it does not do the trick. The best thing to do is silence the messaging on the Iphone app. There's no mute button on the watch itself so I silenced everything I could. I don't need this thing going off in meetings or the movie theater. (Apparently a problem people are annoyed with.) To get rid of the messages on the phone, swipe it from the message list right to left. Click delete.

Will my iPhone 5S still work in China?

I'm going to China tomorrow and I was wondering if my iPhone will still work. I don't mean use it for calling and using the Internet, I mean can I still use it to play games that is already on my phone? I'm planning to put it on airplane mode the whole time I'm there.

IPhone restore/back-up

I backed my iPhone up on my laptop because I was told to do that if I forgot the passcode, which I had. I backed it up knowing that if I reset my phone in order to choose a new passcode, the data would be wiped from the phone. Now I want to restore it to how it was, but when I select "Restore Backup" and select the one I want, it asks for a password. I've tried the new one that I've set as well as multiple guesses of what my old one was. I'm confused as to what to do to get my old data back, considering this is the route I was told to go if I forgot my passcode.

IPhone 6 dropped in pool-Need data?

My iPhone 6 flew into a pool a few days ago, and wasn't backed up(my fault). There's data on it that I really need, and that s my concern, IIm not worried about the phone. I will get a new one.

I got it out of the water and immediately put it in rice, and only took it out 2 full days later. I tried plugging it in, turning it on, leaving it plugged in, holding home + lock. There's absolutely nothing happening. I opened it up and there was still water on the inside but it dried up within a few seconds.

What are the chances of me getting anything off of this phone? Any suggestions on something I should try?

If I buy an iPhone 6 from the US will it work in the UK?

On the US Apple store I can buy an iPhone 6 for £417 (649$) and on the UK Apple store I can buy an iPhone 6 for £539. If I buy it on the US Apple store and get them to send it to me in the UK will it work normally?

P.S I'm planning to get the completely unlocked version.