If my iPhone were to be monitored, what would be monitored exactly?

Can my activity be monitored? Say, I'd be using an application, whatever it may be. Could someone monitor my activities on a certain application? How does it work exactly? Can they monitor my screen? I don't know if whatever I'm saying is making sense, lmao. If it's not obvious, I'm not very techs-savvy.

Unlocking iPhone by putting sim card in?

My current network are unlocking my iPhone and they have sent me a message to say that to complete the unlocking please, restore from iTunes or put in a different sim card. If I use the sim card option, will it unlock the iPhone completely, or will it unlock it to the first sim card network I use in the phone? Because I may want to move network. Cheers

Why does my iphone 5s randomly restart by itself?

My iphone 5s has been randomly restaring for about 2 weeks now on its own. I tried resetting my settings to see if it would fix the problem, but it didn't. The phone is new. What can be causing this? I'm running iOS 8.3 btw

Will a magnet mess up my iPhone 5?

I set my phone on a magnet at work that we use to remove sensors with out noticing. When I took up off after about 10 seconds it was acting a lil wired for a couple seconds but it's been fine ever since this happened a couple months ago and haven't had any problems with my phone since. Please only knolegleble answers only.

IPhone 5s Case left a ring stain?

I have a iPhone 5s otter box shock prof case, and I had the case on for almost a wile (5-6months) and now I finally took off the case and has a open circle to show the apple logo and that open spot left a obvious circle stain and I had thought it was like dirt that had been left inside but it left the circle mark around the apple logo! "Does anyone know how to take it off?

Why does my iPhone churn through data?

For starters, I have two phones. I Think it's really important to have a back up, so I purchased an Amazon fire phone right after they flocke Think it's really important to have a backup, so I purchased an Amazon fire phone right after they flopped. I wanted a backup, and I thought it looked cool, I love Amazon, and most importantly it was really cheap. When I first bought it I was still using my iPhone, so I checked my data usage at the end of the month and I had used 9 gigs. It was outrageous but I share a family plan with five people, and very few of them use that much data so of the 15 we have we only ended up using 11. This meant my parents just got mad at me. I plugged my sim into my fire phone and the problem disappeared. I was using like 1 fifteenth the amount of data I had been even though I was doing the same stuff. Now I have to use my iPhone again and IIm again, churning through data. I don't think anything is running in the background and I don't think my phone is corrupt but I need this to stop and I need it to stop now.