IPhone not picking up that it is communicating to another iPhone?

You know how when, if you have an iPhone and the person you are texting also has an iPhone your texts show up in a blue bubble instead of a green bubble?

Well, my dad and I both have iPhone (iPhone 5s) and they are both up to date.

His phone -- When he texts me, his bubbles are green.

My phone -- When I text him my bubbles are blue.

So essentially, my phone is picking up on the fact that his phone is an iPhone, but his phone isn't picking up on the fact that my phone is an iPhone.

For a few months this hasn't been a problem (who cares what color the bubble is, right?).
The issue now is that we want to use FaceTime and his phone isn't allowing him to do that, because it doesn't think that my phone is an iPhone.

Why do people's iPhones keep restarting?

Okay so for the past couple weeks my iPhone has just been like restarting when I'm on it. Well it just thought it was mine and then tonight I was on tumblr and there was this post about it and it was like, "reblog if your iPhone has been restating recently" and there was over 55,000 reblogs so that's a lot of iPhones restarting. Why is this happening to everyone?

How to change my retrica photo?

Whenever I take a photo on Retrica it automatically sends to my photos and gallery. I have an iPhone But every time I take a photo it goes to my phone and my mothers phone. I don't like knowing that every picture I take my mother can have access to it. How do I change this to where only I can get the pictures and not my mother?

Can I get my deleted messages back?

I'm trying to get my deleted messages back (iPhone 5) but they keep saying I need a computer but I don't have one is there any way I don't have to use a computer. If so how can I do it.

How to turn off google from saving your previous searches on iphone?

Despite going to account settings and selecting "don't save searches" it constantly does whenever you type in anything and have to clear each thing individually. It's completely obnoxious seeing all your previous searches whenever you begin to type something in and I have no idea how to turn it off, if anyone could help me with this I'd be grateful thanks.

Retrak Jive Wire Plug & Shoot Selfie Stick For iPhone 6?

Hello today I bought this selfie stick just to mess around and have fun with and when I first took pictures with it, it worked just fine it wasn't Bluetooth or anything you just plug it in to the headphone jack and opened the camera app and clicked the button on the handle and it took pictures, but now it is no longer working on my personal iPhone but it worked on my moms and my old phone, what settings do I need to have it set on for it to work?