My message app on my iPhone 5s won't open?

I believe it is related to that new text that crashes your phone because i sent this to someone:

and it crashed my app but not my phone. Now I can't even open the app. I have tried restarting the app and my phone as well as trying to access the app through phone->contacts->send message but it still crashes. I also rather not restore my phone

How to make this sound more sympathetic and better, I'm writing a complaint to a company?

On the said date, I made the purchase of my new Iphone 6 with NKS assistance and headed towards the cash counter to pay for it. P was sitting at the counter, whilst NK was trying to put the transaction through and counting the cash I had given to him P comes out the blue snatches the cash out of NK hands places it on the counter and demands NK to follow him into a closed room. Whilst I'm waiting for someone to turn up and serve me again I'm left completely bewildered how someone could possibly interrupt a customer sale without apologising or excusing themselves.

When NK came back after 5min he looked very upset as if he was about to cry, I didn't take any notice and asked NK to give me the student discount deal, NK responded said he said he was unable to as ordered by P, he said he was scared to get shouted at again if he didn't hurry with the transaction (bearing in mind there were no waiting customers) I was really disappointed hearing this and didn't make me feel any better seeing Ps behaviour and aggressive facial expressions towards me, it made me feel very uncomfortable and humiliated. In spite, I insisted that NK does my student discount offer and made my word that I would complain about him.

(I will create another post with the missing paragraph, due to word limits)

Iphone 5c LTE Battery Drain?

I have a verizon and whenever I use lte the battery drains 3x faster then it normally would with internet I thought Verizon fixed this what's the deal?

I spilled nail polish in my Iphone charging hole?

Okay so being the dumb cliché teenage girl I'm, I split a bit of nail polish on to my phone around the home button and charging port. I immediately cleaned it off and plugged it in to see if it would work and it did. I went to bed and then today when I woke up I tried to plug my phone in and it isn't charging but my ipod is charging.

Arabic text message shutting off iphone?

Ok so there's this Arabic text message going around that ppl are sending to ppl with iPhone and it turns off the phone. But I've heard some rumors about it like hacking into your phone or something? So what is it.

Am I entitled to compensation after being scammed?

Last week I paid £185 for an iPhone 6 Plus through PayPal. I paid it through goods and services thankfully, so I can get my money back, but he did want me to pay through friends and family which is when I started to think that he may be a scammer.
Anyway, after I had paid, he told me that he would be posting it shortly and that was the last time I heard from him for another 3 days. I messaged him continuously asking him when I should expect my phone and he finally replied three days later telling me that he had been busy with work and clubbing and that he had posted my item. I replied straight away asking him when to expect it and that was the last time I heard from him and that was 4 days ago.
Since then, I have opened a dispute on PayPal, however I need to wait till tomorrow to escalate it to PayPal so I can make a claim for my money back.
I'm certain that this is a scam because this morning I went onto the app that I had arranged to buy it off of him and he had re-listed the iPhone 6 Plus. I messaged him asking him what was going on and he blocked me!
I'm wondering if I'm entitled to more money than just a refund? I think this is outrageous that he will get away with this and I have had to go without a phone for a week when I could have been looking for another one.

How to fix myessaging app on iPhone?

I received one of those Unicode text that messed up the messaging app on my iPhone. Whenever I try to open the app, it immediately crashes. I have tried fixes that other people use, and none of them work. I have rebooted my iPhone. Sent message to myself through Siri, sent picture to myself. But I don't know who sent me the message. When I double click the home button to open multi tasking pages the messaging app only shows my messages before I got the Unicode message. How can i fix this? Or when will apple release an update to fix this?

How to get bus routes on iPhone maps?

I need to find out what bus route to take using iPhone maps and how long it will be. It only has the option car and walk. I believe that it used to have the bus one but now it is not there. I currently have iOS 8.3. Any help on how to find it using the maps?