My iPhone 5C battery is going insane?

First of all, my phone looks burst. The back piece of my phone comes a bit out of the back cover. Then, when I charge my phone it changes by itself it might be 40% when I put it to the charger and while it's charging it goes down to 2% its driving me insane! Also, my battery dies so fast ( I haven't got local servises on nor push mail ). It sometimes turn offs even when the battery is in 25%. What should I do? If I take it to someone to change my battery, will it harm my usage? Will my stuff be deleted/gone?

My iPhone won't turn on after receiving the text hack message?

My friend sent me that text hack that's suppose to crash your phone yesterday morning and it never came back on. Once she sent it, it shut off to a black screen then to the apple appeared but then it started fading away, and it kept repeating that for about 30 minutes until it asked my to connect to my iTunes. I did that and said I needed to restart (basically I have to delete all my stuff on it) my iPhone before connecting to iTunes. So I clicked restart but now it's telling me it can't do it. It popped up with a message saying error 9? Is there anyway to fix this?

How to download a gif on an iphone?

So I think that pretty self explanatory… I can save them, but they don't move in my gallery, but when I text them, they do move, if there's a good app that downloads any media you receive, that would be good too, thanks

Can I call to police or do something to punish my neighbor who is a thief?

Here's the story: I ordered a used iphone 5c off of amazon and the stupid Fedex man delivered it to a neighbor 2 doors down from me. Fedex figured out the problem after I called looking for the package. Fedex contacted my neighbor and told them to bring the phone to our trailer park's main office so it could be picked up by me. The trailer park supervisor brought it to me today and I found that the package was already opened and the iphone was missing the headphones and charger which were suppose to be included. The phone container was nasty and sticky.

After turning on the phone I found out it had been used. My neighbor it was delivered to took the iphone and activated it and registered it with icloud so that it now has an activation lock and can't be used by anyone. I know it was the wife of my neighbor because she had facebook pulled up and and logged into her profile. The email was also logged into and it was hers. There were time stamps saying she had used the phone yesterday after it had been delivered. Going through the phone I have overwhelming proof it was the wife. She was stupid enough to leave all her personal info on the phone and also the phone and it's case were sticky and covered in her fingerprints.

I got the phone back but it is a useless $300 phone bc/of the activation lock on it. I really wish I could punish her for stealing my phone but I don't think I can. Does anyone know anything I can do? Can I call the cops on her if I got the phone back?

Bluetooth Speaker paired with IPhone 4s but no audio is playing?

I use a Spector T270 speaker to play music in the car because I have no means of hooking up my phone to my stereo system. It's worked fine until recently, the speaker turns on and it is fully charged, but absolutely no audio plays from it. It pairs with my phone no problem, and my phone shows the volume bar for the speaker. I'm assuming it's been blown out but considering that this was an overnight thing and it had worked perfectly the day before I'm curious if anybody knows of a solution.

IPhone iMessage disable after THAT text?

So someone decided to be a wiseguy and send me that text on my iPhone that disables it. My messages can't even be opened and i'm getting no notifications… Please help me)