Should I buy a iPhone X max or Louis Vuitton belt?

IPhone X max cost 1100$ and I know it's not worth it because I have the iPhone 8 Plus and it's good so I don't need a new phone but it's the newest and I want it, or should I buy a Louis Vuitton belt for 585$ I really like it and want it what do you think phone plus screen protector and case will be like 1300-400 vs 585-600 belt?

Problems with iphone 5s?

I recently purcahsed my first iphone a few months ago online. The website is called and I purchased a used iphone 5s for $100. I can't afford a new iphone and can only afford something in the under $200 range. Ever since I got my iphone, I have problems with the battery life draining very fast. Within 3 hours the battery is drained. Also sometimes the phone will randomly shut off when the battery level is at 40 to 50 percent and display a red battery icon that incorrectly indicates the battery is exhausted. Is this a common problem with older iphones? As apple brings out new iphones, do they make the older iphones battery levels drain quickly to try to make you upgrade your phone? Also since I can't afford the newest model, what is the best older iphone model to purchase that works better? Does an iphone 7 or iphone 8 work better with a stronger battery than a 5s?

Is it illegal for a merchant to do this?

Let's say you hand in an iPhone XS Max in good condition to an Apple store Genius for inspection and a warranty claim. The Apple store Genius then either calls you back or shows you in person the psychical damage and says it will not be under warranty, when the iPhone was not in that condition when you surrendered it in for repair.

I'm going to hand in my iPhone XS Max for inspection and a warranty claim but I get this feeling they may do something like this.

Wired AND Wireless EARPHONES?

I'm looking for some new earphones and because of my iPhone being stupid and not having an AUX cord i want a pair of both wireless and wired IN-EAR EARPHONES, does anybody know of some?

Added (1). Just to clarify I want one pair of earphones that can be both.

My cousin never pays anyone back. Money Hungry?

In 2014 My aunt had filed for me to get SSI for me and so we could get a place to stay because before I was living with my cousins, So when we first found us a house we rented in 2017 I received my first lumpsum of $28,000 we put that in the bank for bills and shopping if we needed we'd go to the bank Incase we ran out of rent money, So when I first received it I helped my aunt out and she ended up giving my cousin $700 and promised to pay us back and when she got her tax money she never did but her kids all had iPhones and new shoes and clothes etc and she was working a good job herself I wasn't working and I had received another lumsum of $17,000 and my cousin literally heard about it and offered to take me to the bank and out of nowhere I was her "favorite cousin" and she ended up asking me for $2,000 outta the kindness of my heart I let her borrow the money and she told me not to tell anyone including my aunt (her mom). I don't know she was weird she'd always go to my grandma for money and her sister and kids and never paid them back. Must I remind you when i first received the money my cousins were jealous and telling me how to spend it and would get mad because I actually had the money to buy whatever I wanted the $17,000 was my and I have my aunt the whole $28,000 for the house and rent. Did my cousin take my kindness for weakness?

Will Apple repair my iPhone X under warranty (4th pin on lightning cable black and only charges on one side)?

I had my iPhone X's lightning port cleaned with compressed air that may have allowed a small blob of grease to be blown into the lightning port. I noticed that it was a bit hard to press in the lightning cable and that there was some orange blob that came out of the iPhone X with the lightning cable. I'm now stuck with a shorted 4th pin on the lightning cable and that the iPhone only charges from one side of the cable.

I'm guessing a foreign object was blown into the port before the lightning cable was inserted, shortening pin #4 on the lightning cable.

I might be wrong about this since it appears to be a common problem with lightning cables, but who knows

Is it more likely a faulty iPhone or lightning cable.