In a former sense video games aren't the causes of violent teens or young adults. Although, they do contain real-life violence and may encourage some violent behaviour and emotions. However, people still continues to believe that violent video games are the causes of young adolescents to commit violent acts. Despite, of being exposed to violent video games in a young age, it doesn't influence young adolescents to act like "monsters". And, this has been proven by science researchers. In my opinion, the real cause are overwhelming stress due to school and bullying, as well as their parents. In fact, games actually help reduce stress among young people who struggles in real life. This is consider to be true fact.
My point here is that, people with no gaming experience or likely no history whatsoever can't compared to gaming and reality. I can relate to all of this because i'm one of those people who was exposed to playing violent games in an early age. And, to all people who "believed" that video games causes violence. That's like saying "There's more violent after the releases of iphone, so therefore iPhone causes crimes and violent acts". This is relatable to D.Trump blaming the 2012 Sandy Hook mass shooting because of video games. So, can we please stop? With this false argument that has not been "Scientifically" proven?