Which new iPhone should I get?

I'm finally upgrading from my iPhone 6 that I've had since it came out so like 3+ years. I can't choose from all these new iPhones that came out, I'm favoring the 8 plus and X a bit. Which iphone should I upgrade to?

Is it cheaper to lease a phone than pay the full price?

I really want the new iPhone Xs Max but I can't afford to pay full price, on the sprint website it says an 18 month lease would be 45 a month plus 40 for service so 85 a month. Would that be cheaper than full price? I've never leased a phone before. I always get cheap phones but now I want an iPhone.

Why is my iPhone copying the same video over and over?

So I took a screen recording earlier today and when I went to send it, there were about 50 of the same video. I thought alright i'll just delete them. So I did. And they returned. I now have over 300 of the same video and it keeps copying itself.

If I purchased an iPhone with an apple rewards Barclay credit card and the phone is stolen what should I do?

Someone stole my gym bag which had my phone, keys and the rest of my belongings. I purchased the phone x back in may with the Barclay credit card with apple rewards, which I was just approved for at the time. Is there anything that Barclay may do to help the situation? Like file a claim or something. I filed a police report and all. Its a cruel world out there that someone would do this to a college student. It just doesn't make sense to continue to pay for a phone that is not in my possession or being used, but I do not want to ruin my credit. No, I do not have apple care. Does anyone have any suggestions? I tried to use find my iPhone and it is now in lost mode.

Is Nancy Pelosi getting desperate?

I'll make this as brief Danny. We're in a bit of trouble.

Contributions have slowed over the past few days. Enthusiasm has dropped. If we don't take action now, we may miss our $150,000 FEC goal.

Consider this a personal request from me: Please give whatever amount you can and help us reach our goal before the deadline.

This is no time to miss goals. The election is 45 days away.

The opportunity to take back the House is right in front of us. If we don't take it, we can kiss everything we care about -- from the Affordable Care Act to Medicare -- goodbye.

Danny, get your contribution in now. We don't have much time left.

Let's keep at it.


Sent from my iPhone. Sorry for any typos.