I have an iPhone 6. I don't have phone service, so I just use it for music, internet, emails, and social media. Yesterday, when I woke up, the phone had the symbol on it for a dead battery. It is still like that even though it has been charged up since. I have been having a lot of issues with it where it keeps dying on me when it still says I have enough percentage, plus I only have about 20-30 minutes usage before it dies. I got the phone when I was getting student loans in college. I have since graduated and have been having trouble finding employment, so replacing the phone is out of the question.
My problem is, I logged onto iTunes and I found out that the music that I have purchased, I didn't download it to my computer. I usually download my music on my phone so I never thought to download it on my computer. My question is, is there a way I can get my music back on my computer without using my phone since my phone is dead?