What carrier can I activate my iphone on?

I have a Verizon Iphone 5c. This device has NOT been reported stolen or lost and has a clean ESN in that respect. It is however currently activated/connected to an old verizon account. Are there any Verizon MVNO's it could be used on? Any carriers it could be flashed too? Any way to unlock the sim card slot and use on a GSM carrier?

May I delete everything on my iphone 4s once everything had been transfer to icloud?

I have been a iphone user for almost three years and I'm going to trade in my 4s to get the iphone 5. Right now, I'm starting to figure out icloud work and it's a little bit confusing. So I want to know if it's okay if I can delete everything once my contacts, photos, and other stuff had been transfer? Because I do not want to lose my stuff and never get it back!

Is it possible that I'm experiencing mild PTSD?

I was mugged on the DC subway not even a week ago. The guy took my iPhone right out of my hands on the train as the doors were about to close and I, being a poor grad student who doesn't have $ to replace it, ran after the guy. When I caught up with him he pushed me into the moving train and it was pretty scary. I'm fine, but I can't stop thinking about it. I can't concentrate at work and I freak out now walking in the city by myself. I feel like everyone is going to rob or attack me. I get anxiety when I'm on the subway and I can't even look when its stops at the station where it happened. I feel like I'm being overly dramatic, but is it possible that I have mild, acute PTSD? I don't know what to do so that I can start concentrating on school and work again.

Can I Sue A Toyota Dealership For Selling Me A Used Lemon?

I bought a 2005 Acura TL from a used Toyota Dealership 2 weeks ago around 11/18/13, I had 3 days from the date of purchase to get my deposit back $6, 000 and I'm just finding out I also had 7 Days to exchange for another car, "I was never told that." 4 days after driving it off the lot, Bluetooth went out, car started to stall do to low battery voltage, I have to crank it instead of it starting right up, bang on the dashboard so the lights can come on a night and finally the check engine light comes on. This is within 2 weeks of getting the car, and I'm going back and forth to the Toyota dealership during this time and they finally tell me to get a diagnostic from a Acura Dealership that I had to pay $180 for. It turns out the car needs $3, 784.32 of work. Including Air fuel sensors that needs to be replace to pass smog in Feb of 2014 which is $2, 034 it's self. But the Car Fax states the car passed State Emissions Inspection and Pre-delivery inspection and had a Filter and Oil change on 10/05/13. The Mechanic at the Acura dealership who ran the diagnostic told me that's impossible because the codes for the Air fuel sensors would of showed, It's critical, and also the transmission oil and motor oil is very dirty and I would have to change that As soon as possible, also the steering pump is leaking. The Car Fax showed a clean record. The Acura mechanic also told me it's possible that the check engine light has always been on and the Mechanics at the Toyota Dealership had put a temporary fix so it could pass smog and put up for sell, from what I know that is Illegal.

Sorry for the typos I'm typing this from my iphone lol.

Am I spoiled? Please tell me?

Okay well I wanna know if I'm spoiled some people think I'm.I'm 14 and a girl. I have an IPhone 5 I got it for my birthday. I have two iPads but ones a family iPad and we got mine for free. I have uggs from 7th grade now I'm in 9th and getting new ones this christmas. I also have ugg moccasins but I bought them. I have a northface. I buy clothes from expensive places. I have a big house and my family is rich. I also have a lot of Vera Bradley which can be expensive. I have 2 pairs of coach shoes and getting another pair for christmas. I do have a lot of clothes and shoes. I have a wii and lots of games for it. I go on vacation a lot. I've been to Jamaica, Ireland twice, Denmark, Florida, California, and a lot of other fun places. I'm very thankful for everything. I don't brag to people about everything either! I donate to charity every christmas because I feel kids should have a wonderful christmas.

How to do I charge my lg tone plus wireless headset?

I love this headset but I can't figure out how to charge it lol. My mom threw away the box with the instructions so I'm Phucked unless one of you guys can help me. I have the charger but I don't know how to use it. The charger looks like a phone charger so I don't know where to connect it to. I think it goes connected to your phone but I have an iPhone 5 so the charger thing doesn't fit. Please help I'm really confused. How do I charge these damn earphones

How to fix glitches on my iPhone 5?

I got the iphone 5 two months ago and the past few days the Wi-Fi has been going in and out and I have been getting service. What should I do? My iPhone 5 is on the ios6, would updating to the ios7 fix this problem? My other devices isn't having this issue with the internet.