How much is a Sprint iphone family plan?

I recently had looked into it but don't really understand much of it so how much would it be to have a family plan with 3 iphones for 3 people with unlimited talk and text or how much would it be for the family plan in general while the three people have different phones? So lets say i have an iphone and the two other people have different phones but we all want unlimited everything, will it be expesive with extra hidden fees or is there a manageable plan that can become right and easy for us?

Added (1). I wanted the iphone 4s, don't know if thats quite an expense to have part of the plan even though the phone costs nothing really but the plan does.

Is there anyway to check from what device an itunes app was downloaded?

I have an iphone and both my kids itouch linked with my apple account. So when ever they download any apps they have to put my pasword in. Recently there was a purchase of $4.99 for a doom resurrection app. They are supposed to ask for permission before purchasing anything from itunes. Now they are both denying the purchased it. I have searched and searched trying to figure out if there's anyway i can detect from which device it was downloaded from but so far no luck. Is there anyway to find out? The receipt does not say.

Is my iPhone case affecting my service?

I recently just ordered an adorable case for my iPhone, but it seems to be affecting my service in places where I only have one or two bars.
I recently read something that said metallic phone cases can affect service, and this could very well be coated with metallic finish.
My question is, is there anything I can do about it?

Why is sprint's 3g beyond horrible?

I live in Omaha, NE - Certainly not a small city. I purchased a contract with sprint a year ago, iphone 4s 3g. I seriously can't even begin to DESCRIBE how unbelievable horrible their 3g is. I'm right down the street from the sprint store, and I often get 0.01 mbps download speed. Most the time apps just fail, because there's 'no connection with server' Are you serious? Why is sprint so horrible? Do they plan to fix this anytime soon or should I just cancel my contract and never look back?

How to make the status bar on my iPhone 4S grey?

On everybody else's screenshots & such, most people's status bar is grey, the Wi-Fi thing will be blue & the battery green. How do I do this? Please don't give me an app to download, I'm pretty sure you don't have to.