How much does an iPhone 4S cost? - 2

I've been saving up for an iPhone and I want the 4S but I just don't know how much it would cost. I don't really need to know with the plan, just the phone itself. Please help, and try to give an accurate price; don't want my hopes too high or want a price that's wrong that says "Yeah your iPhone… NEVER gonna happen!"

Why is my iphone 4s so laggy?

It just started doing this today
it is so laggy and slow it won't even let me run temple run it is so slow i need help please i haven't even jailbroke my iphone i haven't downloaded alot and its only 3 1/2 months old

My iphone 4 has a black screen?

My iphone 4 completely ran out of battery then i plugged it in to my macbook but it hasn't turned on and my macbook hasn't picked it up yet. What do i do?

Added (1). I mean the screen lights up but its a very very dim black light that you can barely see

T-mobile and Apple (iPhone 5)?

I read some articles saying that T-mobile will start selling apple products. I want to get the iPhone 5 and the regular starting price is $199 for 16GB, but instead T-mobile is selling it for $649. Can I buy the iPhone 5 elsewhere and bring it to T-mobile?

Any solutions for a cracked iphone screen?

I dropped my iphone 4s yesterday and cracked the *** out of it. I don't have apple care so what can i do about it? Apple said it would be $200 for a replacement, which i'm NOT doing. Any suggestions to get this problem fixed?

IPhone 5 not connecting to Windows Vista?

Ok. I recently purchased an iphone 5 on Christmas Eve. I didn't bother to plug it in to iTunes. Now, i want to get some songs that aren't on itunes to my Phone. My phone simply will not be recognized. It doesn't show up at all in iTunes. I've uninstalled iTunes once, I've uninstalled all my camera things so it doesn't recognize it as a camera anymore(it used to recognize it as a camera before), i have soft reset my iphone, turned off and turned on my iphone.disabled bonjour, about everything. Please help. There's no other way to get the music I want to my phone directly. Thank you for helping.

Added (1). I Have Gone To The Support Website.

FIFA 13 on iphone keeps crashing?

Why is it keep crashing… I played it for like a month stopped playin for like a week… Came back to it and it crashes into first match… I deleted jt and re-installed it no luck help