IPhone 5 cases that look good and protect the phone?

I have the white iPhone and I'm 13 so keep that in mind when you suggest things…
I really like this one: http://www.katespade.com/le-pavilion-iphone-5-case/PSRU1197A, default, pd.html? Dwvar_PSRU1197A_color=429&start=3&cgid=phone-cases-iphone-and-ipad
but I'm afraid it won't give enough protection, and it's also kinda expensive.

Added (1). Right now I have the Incipio slider and it's okay but I don't really like the way it looks.

When you use the amazon cloud on you iphone does that use data?

Okay so for Christmas I got an iphone 4s and I have music on the amazon cloud that I want to listen to on my iphone. I have to be careful with how much data I use (especially since my brother can go a bit overboard) So I was just wondering whether just listening to the music on the amazon cloud uses data or not.

A free video file converter?

I'm looking for a free video file converter so I can convert some avi.file movies so they are able to be watched on my iphone and ipad which I think means it has to be mp4? Anyway whenever I install something it either watermarks, or says the file is to large to be converted and then tells me to buy a full version or something but I don't want to pay any money. If anyone has any TRUSTED FREE file converters please answer As soon as possible!

How to blur screen shots for iPhone?

So I have an iPhone 4s and I see people post pictures on Instagram of a screen shotted conversation but they blur some of the text out and focus on one section. How do I do that?

Is there any other way to turn off your iphone?

Is there any other way to turn off your iphone?

Added (1). The power button is broken

Added (2). My uncle found it and we want to restart it so yea i guess i'm hopeless and i don't want to pay!

Added (3). I've already tried to squeeze the edges but the top around the power button is broken and this makes the button loose so that method didn't work, i've also cleaned it with the air thingy

Is the iPhone 3GS worth getting?

I can get one for $170 is it worth getting? I have AT&T and how much would it be for unlimited talk and text and Internet? I have a go phone and I always wanted a iPhone. If you think its a good idea and know how much it would be for unlimited talk, text, and web monthly. That would be great.