Will there be a new iPhone coming out soon?
Will there be a new iPhone coming out soon?
Will there be a new iPhone coming out soon?
My uncle found an Iphone and it had a password, When i tried unlocking it, I couldn't because when i was supposed to turn it off, I found out the button was broken! Is there any way that i could fix the button without paying or does someone know how to fix it? I also want to know if i'm doing something wrong, please help me!
I currently have my iPhone switched off in my airing cupboard in a big bowl of dry white rice. My phone was in milk for 1-5 seconds. I believe I blew and shook out all of the milk as nothing was dripping after. I'm just worried about my phone as I don't have insurance on it, stupidly, how long do you suggest I keep my phone in the rice and airing cupboard and when do you suggest I turn the phone on?
Beforw anything don't go telling me
To go call 1-800-Suicide or some other people I just need someone to talk too… And 1-800-Suicide and other numbers like that trace your address and before you know it the police are there to take you to a hospital or some ***…
I'm 13, and a lot of things are going on in my life right now, and most of the things that are happening are bad and sad things, and I'm in an emotional state where I really need someone to talk to for advice and help, and before you even tell me to call 1-800-talk or like 1-800-suicide or some other phone numbers or telling me to get counseling or therapy, if your gonna give me that as an answer than don't bother, cause your not helping. If your willing to talk to me and help me out you can contact me at robotrage44@yahoo.com, or text me at 847-469-4732, or if you have an iPod or iPhone message me at: ims0elite@hotmail.com, and if you have an iPod touch and you have kik messenger, my username is: chris_FTW99, I desperately need someone to talk too… MY SKYPE IS: chrisprodlmfao
If my phone is unlocked and I put a sim card from my old phone into the new phone do I still have to pay for internet
Right now I'm using the headphones that come with iPods, iPhones, ext. (Not the newest kind though) I've been considering buying a pair of Beats headphones (Solo HD) but I'm not sure if they're really worth hundreds of dollars. I mainly listen to classical music and instrumental music with no words, of this makes any kind of difference. What's your opinion? Are they worth it?
I must have a free iphone
Yesterday i was in the doc office and my iphone 5 screen was decent bright not fully and when i put it down it went very dim for no reason?
How to I disable the badges (red numbers) in the corner of the App Store icon? They look ugly. And don't tell me to just update my apps, because I have a lot of apps and I would need to update them every couple hours which I'm not doing. Badges just look bad.
I'm getting an ip5 16Gb and am wondering if 16 gigs is enough, I plan on having around 200 songs 200 photos and around like 40-50 apps