No Service on iPhone 3 when entering a new sim card?

I'm trying to set up this iPhone for my uncle. My mom gave it to him for Christmas, it was hers. It's in perfect condition and everything. I restored it, reset network settings 3 times. But I'm still getting the "No Service" thing. Is there any way to fix this without contacting his service provider?
AT&T, by the way.

Added (1). Not a faulty sim card, either.

How come my iphone 5 can't see my app updates?

I just recently got my iphone 5 and I knew an app wasn't up to date. I went to my updates on the App Store but no updates. Then I searched the app and it said update. So it's not detecting updated.

How to manage storage on my iphone 4s?

I have an iphone 4s (16 gb) and i only have 600 pictures in my camera roll which takes up 9.4 gb of my phone and my photo stream with 900 pics that takes up 200 mb. And i have 400 songs… I don't understand why my phone has no space available now… I don't even have that many apps now…

IPhone 5 iOS 6.0.1 firmware?

Can someone send me a torrent link to download the iPhone 5 iOS 6.0.1
PS: iPhone build version is 10A551 ( i'm not sure if that makes any difference but when i try to download the iOS 6.0.1 firmware it says 10A525 )

How to sync music to your iPhone using the new updated iTunes?

I have no idea how to sync music onto my phones from this new updated iTunes. The older one was much more simpler for me, but this is confusing and I just don'r know how. If someone knows and has the new updated iTunes too, can you please explain step by step how you sync music from iTunes to iPhone?