What is a good title for my Essay?

Well I'm writing a persuasive essay on the fact that humans are getting too dependent on technology. Some things I write about in the essay are iphone addiction and also humans are getting less intelligent because of the reliance on technology. What would be a good, creative title? I like something short and gets the point across.

Switching cell phone carriers while keeping same iPhone?

Can I keep my iPhone and switch carriers w/out getting a different phone & also (if possible) w/out jail-breaking my current one. I ask this because the box on my iPhone doesn't mention any particular provider.

Also answer this please: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AuAnjVUKF0bS3AiWejfehSYM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20121130203559AAMcoEp

Which one is better, Iphone 5 or Galaxy s3?

Since the iphone 5 came out, I was planning to get it until my friend got the galaxy s3. I was stuck between the two when i saw the galaxy s3. I know everyone says the galaxy s3 is better (Well, most people) I think it is a bit complicated with all the gadgets and features. My hands are a bit small and I think it might be a bit too big for comfort. Other than that, I want a solid answer on the two because I just can't make a choice. I like the iphone 5 + the galaxy s3. I need help!

How to sync my apps from my iPhone 4 on iTunes 11?

I feel kinda stupid, but I can't figure out how to sync my apps from my iPhone 4 to the new iTunes so that I can update to the new iOS.

Can someone please walk me through it? I just want to rip my hair out!

My Album Covers from the Itunes Purchases Are Gone

This happened before the recent Itunes update, so it's not that. So I'm am a very organized person when it comes to music and I want and demand all of the album covers to be on my iphone, even if I have to place an album cover myself.So, one day I plugged in my iPhone to my laptop to sync some songs and stuff, and then it gets strange. Everything goes smoothly until I notice on the Album grid on my Iphone, a few recent purchased songs don't have album covers. So I click onto the album, but for some reason, the album cover is there. I click onto one of the songs, again, the album cover is there. The only time it is missing is on the Album Grid. I replug my iPhone into my computer and it erases more purchased album covers! Yet, even then they are present when a song plays, just not on the Album Grid. I've tried looking around the internet but nothing helps and I don't know what to do. On itunes, it says the album cover is there. It only seems messed up on my iPhone. Any help?

Added (1). The Album Grid on ITUNES is not the problem. It's my Iphone.

Added (2). I thought of that, but that would take an unreasonable amount of time. I have a lot of data sadly. :/ Thanks though.

Does 3G cost on my contract?

Well I have contract on my iPhone with 3 and I have unlimited Internet. If I disconnect from my home hub and use 3G will it cost separately?

What should I do to sell an iPhone 5?

Hi, I have a 32gb iphone 5 from at&t and would like to sell it, Can I just take the sim card out, sell it on ebay (will the buyer be able to put his own sim card in and it work), and then buy a 64gb iphone 5 and put my sim card in it, and will it work if I don't cancel my contract, but just do sim removals?

Is a PS Vita worth getting for christmas?

Basically it. I do not know what I want and have been thinking about one. I allready have a DS, Iphone, xbox 360, and laptop. Also been thinking about beats/souls.