What is a jailbroken iphone?
What's so special about it?
What's so special about it?
Accidentally deleted a bunch of msgs on my iPhone and I really want them back! I've never synced my phone with a computer and I don't know what backing up is. Is there anything I can download and or do to get them back plead help me! And they were normal SMS msgs not on iMessage.
What i'm trying to say is like if i go to mexico can i put a mexican sim card.
i have a contract with att
Hi well my iphone isn't connecting to my home Wi-Fi connection. When I enter the Wi-Fi password it says it's incorrect and my Wi-Fi works on other things like ipad, laptop etc. And it is the correct password also cuz I checked on my ipad. I tried turning off Wi-Fi and the phone itself but it doesn't work, how can I fix this?
Added (1). What's wumbo lol
Added (2). I'm not stupid. I typed it right.
So i had a few problems trying to get my ipone to work again be4 the activation requirement i had to restore it but it had a continues error of 1015 witch pissed me off quite abit:\ well i managed to get passed that now,
now i'm in the activation slider part i'm looking for any suggestions on how i can get by this?
also are sim cards un-activated free to get from social holders like verizon and AT&T?
Hi well my iphone isn't connecting to my home Wi-Fi connection. When I enter the Wi-Fi password it says it's incorrect and my Wi-Fi works on other things like ipad, laptop etc. And it is the correct password also cuz I checked on my ipad. I tried turning off Wi-Fi and the phone itself but it doesn't work, how can I fix this?
I've plugged into itunes and tried to restore it and the same error message occurs every time. So now my iphone is stuck on a screen that shows a cord an arrow and a itunes symbol and can't move beyond that.
How do you set up a group message on iPhone?
I bought a griffin survivor case from a thrift store today, except it only had the plastic frame. I bought it because i thought i could find the silicone part online but its too hard to find it because all that comes up is people selling the whole case with what i already have included. All I want is the silicone outer part of the case where can I buy it? Please help, i really want my phone to be protected properly
I synced like a million times but it shows that freaking round circle with a diagonal slash through it!