I'm 38 weeks and 6 days, we went to the hospital on wednesday as we thought i was 5cm dilated but was incorrect, in fact the baby was 3/5 engaged and i had the symptoms of preeclampsia but my blood came back negative. Today has been rough, i've been in and out of pain in my tummy, and lower back. My waters haven't broken, but i have shown almost over a week ago now.
I've been using an app on my partners iphone to determine the contractions and they seem to be coming quite frequent with the average of every 5 and a half minutes and lasting for roughly 1 minute and some seconds.
My partner wants to go to the hospital as he thinks the baby is coming but as i've said before my waters haven't broken, and what if the contractions are not as bad as what i'm feeling and i get sent home after travelling all that way and having all the tests done.
What are your opinions? All are appreciated thank you