Why won't my iphone 4 send pics since updating to iOs6?

I always could send pics with no problem. Then one day me and my friend both updated to iOs 6 and now both can't send pics to anyone. I then updated to iOs 6.0.1. And still had the same problem. I have AT&T by the way. But anyway I also went in and set up my iMessage I believe it let me send it to someone with an iPhone but nobody else! HOW DO I SEND PICTURE MESSAGES TO ANYONE WITHOUT ANY PROBLEMS LIKE BEFORE!

Can i plug my iPhone into a tablet?

IDont know how a tablet works -.- i just know they are cheaper than laptops. I just wanna know if it has a usb port so i can plug my iphone into it. I wanna be able to download real player & convert videos to mp3s from youtube & put them in my music library on my iphone. Thats all iwant it for. If it can do that irather get a tablet than spend money on a laptop ill hardley use.

IPhone 5 black and white issues?

I'm planning to get an iphone 5… But I'm concerned about the various issues that both the versions have… Black has that scratching issues and white has light leaks on top etc… Anyway I'll be putting a front and back protector along with a case… The problem that I have with the white iPhone is that those black edges of the screen (those small edge lines between screen and the white panel) always annoy me in many phones… Had the same problem with s3 too! Those look like a little awkward… I like the pure clean screen without any visible edges on black… Yet I'm worried about scuffs Etc… Please help me choose one guys! Also I've seen some screen ghosting issues too., take that into consideration as well… I would like to have a fault free device…

New iPhone 4S battery problems?

So I just got an iPhone 4S, and put it in to charge last night, cause it says to put it for 10 hours. I took it out this morning at 10am fully charged and left it there while I was at school all day. It's Wi-Fi, 3G and everything was off, no apps where open (I still haven't downloaded any)
Anyway I came home now at 3pm and its down to 81% with no use at all! After like 15 minutes its 64%
Is this normal? Is something wrong?

How to unlock iphone 5 on at&t contract?

I purchased iphone 5 16gb with at&t contract for 199usd in usa.
Now i came to India where i live.
I purchased with contract because it was cheaper than factory unlocked.
Is there a way to unlock it and use in India?

Added (1). Both the answers below are telling me to jailbreak but i came to know that jailbreaking and unlocking are both different.unlocking lets you to use any sim over the world and jailbreaking just gives you access to additional iphone features.
So can someone explain me how jailbreaking can help to use different sim?

If my iPhone 4s broke can I purchase the iPhone 5?

I've had the iPhone 4s for over a year now. I'm bad at keeping my phones in good shape and I've already used up my two replacements from Apple Care +. Well my phone got a bit of water damage (the indicator is still white though) and now the battery is completely fried and it won't charge. The problem is that both of my screens are cracked so my warranty is void. They're going to charge me 199$ for a new 4S if I go in so is it possible that I could just purchase the 5 instead?