How to jailbreak my iPhone 4 ios6?

I'm thinking about jail breaking my iPhone 4 but I'm not sure, it's running on iOS6 do they have a jailbreak for that yet? Also I don't know how to do it at all so I need some help.

Iphone 5 early upgrade for AT&T in less than 2 months?

Do you think At&t will give a full discount to upgrade to an iphone 5 less than 2 months early. I'm not eligible for the full discount until Dec 25 this year. I know they changed their rules regarding early upgrades but that's for people upgrading to a new phone less than a year.

Samsung Galaxy Note II -vs- iPhone 5?

I had Android phones before Sprint got the iPhone. I liked them, however hated the TERRIBLE battery life, and plain styling back then. (Had the Epic, Evo, EVO 3D, etc.) I also hated how they always froze, and had problems.

I got the 4S the day it came out for Sprint, and up until the day the 5 came out (Got that too, obv.), I didn't have a single problem, never froze, reset, etc. Same with my 5, but unfortunately there's still no jailbreak for it. Everyone knows, the stock iPhone UI is kind of plain, which is why I jailbreak it.

I was browsing the Sprint site, and saw the new Galaxy Note 2, and love it. The specs seem pretty competitive, if not better than the iPhone 5.

Can anyone give me some real reviews on it who's played with both? Please don't bother if your an Android fanboy or Apple fanboy. I don't want "samsung is way better f*ck iphone" you know? Thanks!

(Eligable for my upgrade, so i'm considering getting one)

Warranty for Iphone 4s case?

I purchased a lifeproof case for my iphone on eBay last June. I've heard there are warranties, where you can get a new case if yours breaks. Can I still get this if I purchased my case of eBay? And if so where?

About Verizon unlocked iPhone 5

I want to buy the unlocked iPhone 5…
• Can I just go on a Verizon store and buy it?
• Do I need to sign any contract with Verizon?

Ios 6.0.1 update killing Iphone 4s battery?

I updated my Iphone 4s to ios 6.0.1 the other day and the battery life is not good on it anymore, ill take it off of the charger and within an hour the battery life will be at 90%. I made sure to close out allof my apps and everything but nothing seems to be helping. Is anybody else having this issue? And is there a way to fix it? Or is there any possible way to undo this update and go back to ios 6.0?

How To Ask For Money For Christmas?

So I want to buy the Iphone 4. My contract isn't up until August 2013. I decided that I just want to buy one on ebay. Its 250 from ebay and I already have 80$.So how do I ask for money to get a new phone?

Christmas present for a teenage girl?

Hey i'm 17 and my parents keep nagging at me to see what i want for Christmas… I have no idea, I already have a laptop, iphone, tv. Does anyone have good ideas or suggestions.
P.S I'm not really a girly girl so i don't really want makeup and stuff like that.

Iphone turns off when taken of the charger even though it is 100% charged?

Hi, I have the iphone 4s which is less than a year old. My problem only started today and i don't know what's wrong.

My iphone only turns on when the charger is plugged in. It shows 100% battery but still turns off. I have tried the hold the home button while turning on but still nothing happens. Please tell me what's wrong? And how to fix it?


p.s don't mind my spelling and punctuation xD