How to turn my iPhone ON without a lock button?

My lock button broke, and i keep seeing ways to turn it off but no ways to turn it back ON. My phone died and i charged it but i can't turn it back on. Any ideas?

Added (1). I figured it out. Once fully charged, unplug cord and plug it back in. You should see the apple appear.

My Iphone 4s is locked, and i want to reset it?

My iphone has the android lock and it's jailbroken. I tried ifunbox and itunes but they don't work. Ifunbox says there's no idevice connected even tho my iphone 4s is connected. Itunes says I need to enter the password but I have no idea what my android lock password was. I want to reset it but without a computer. Anyways i can reset my hand? I don't care if my photos and everything get deleted I just want to be able to use my Iphone 4s again. Anybody know what to do? Oh and I never had it connected to my computer until this happened.

Should I get Iphone 5, or 4S?

I have my upgrade soon and I'm not sure if I should get the Iphone 5 or 4S. For someone that has the Iphone 5, do you like it? And how is the battery and so on? Can someone please tell me some pros and cons about it?

Shall i get the iphone/ ipod touch/ ipad?

Basically i don't use a phone at the moment. The main reason is that i don't really have anyone to text/call because i'm normally on skype to my friends. I have i phone but hardly use it because its usually has no credit or battery.
I would like to start using a phone because i think it would be useful but it is quite expensive and i don't want to pay lots of money if i don't use it.
i was thinking about maybe getting an iphone or ipad to play games on, listen to music and watch films but is it really worth it? I'm 15

Added (1). Also, i feel left out at school when all my friends go on their phones because most of them have iphones and i just have to sit and watch them

Added (2). I already have an ipod nano which i use a lot but it has no games on it

My iPhone 4, Jailbroken, 6.0.1, won't boot tethered?

I jailbroke it and installed cydia, and can turn it on and off normally without having cydia or anything jailbroken showing up. I installed the things that trick it into thinking it's iOS 6 and followed tutorials, etc. The jailbreaking went fine for the most part. My issue is, it won't boot tethered! I keep trying to click on it and tell it to boot tethered, use DFU mode, etc. The issue is, it goes through all the steps but it gets stuck on the rebooting step. The blue bar goes all the way to the end and it says "Waiting for reboot" and hours gone by, nothing happens. Not even the pineapple logo or anything. Also, now Safari and Mail both won't work. Can someone help me? D

How much is a good price to sell Iphone 4?

I have a white 16gb Iphone4, I always had a case on it so it has minimal damage, just a little bit at the bottom. I was also going to include 4 cases. I was thinking 100. What do you think?

How to transfer apps from my Itunes on to my Iphone?

I've had my Iphone for about 2 weeks now and it has all of my music on it and everything and i bought some games to put on it so i connected my Iphone up with my mac opened Itunes and tried to put them in Iphone i tried to click and drag the apps i tried to sync them and it just won't work i have the latest software on my Iphone and Itunes is there any way i can get it to work?