How to add money to App Store via iPhone?

I have an iPhone 4 with iOS 6. I can't seem to be able add funds in either App Store or iTunes. I scroll to the bottom of the page, tap my ID, then view ID and there's no where to add money. I have searched everywhere in my appleID settings. The only way to add funds seems to be through redeeming an App Store card and I want to use my credit card. Please don't tell me to add money via my computer, if I could do that I would.

My iphone is jailbroken and i deleted my keyboard?

I was fooling around with the files and I deleted the keyboard that you putt your passcode into, you know that unlocks the phone. Is there A). A way to get passed it without restoring or losing my jailbreak or b). A way to replace the keyboard?

How to unlock iphone 5 from att?

I brought the iphone 5 without a contract and i heard that you can unlock the phone with just restoring it off itunes. I tried that and put my t mobile nano sim card in and it said it was not compitable. What do i do. Can i have a step by step process of how to do it, maybe i did something wrong. R u supposed to have the att nano sim in or the t mobile sim in while u r unlock it and etc.

IPhone 4s isn't working after attempting to update to iOS 6.1?

During the update itunes said "iPhone is in recovery mode you must restore to connect to itunes" my phone just shows a cord plugging into itunes.

i have a lot of important info on my phone and its backed up through icloud. If i restore it will i lose everything or will icloud keep it?

How to reset my iMessage on iPhone?

How can I reset just the texting app, I sent a huge text of just emoji symbols (HUGE HUGE text) and it froze and doesn't open anymore, can I reset just the texting app without resetting everything else on my phone? Could I call AT&T and have them reset it for me? Cuz I don't want to reset my phone

Why can't I delete pictures off of my iPhone?

I got an iPhone yesterday and was syncing it up and it asked me if I wanted to sync my pictures from the computer to my iPod and my dad accidentally clicked yes but I told him I didn't want those pics so he canceled it but it put the pics on my phone anyways! I went in the album and selected all the pics but it doesn't give me the option to delete them. They're taking up space and I don't want them. Does anyone know how to remove them? And please try to explain in a way that a 14 year old would understand ^_^ My dad tried to mess around with it and figure it out but he just ended up stressed out saying he'd do it later, but I'm very impatient and I've taken it upon myself to fix it.

Any protective Iphone cases besides Otterbox?

I dropped my phone once and the screen shattered. Now that I worked to get enough to buy my own Iphone again, the deal with my dad is that I need a protective case. He is dead set on the Otterbox, but I hate the way it looks, feels, and their lack of designs. Any cases that are equally as durable? I have an Iphone 4 by the way.

What countries are looking for college educated immigrants?

Just thinking - if I graduate from college are there countries that would like to have me? I want to leave Canada and the so called "developed world" and live a simpler life in a country that doesn't focus almost solely on drugs, alcohol, sex, parties, fast food and new iPhones. I'm kinda thinking of Latin America or Africa - but I have absolutely no knowledge on the subject.

Added (1). @Jim B - Well I DO live in Canada, all my life, and I can tell you most "Canadian youths" do NOT know the difference between college and university; but post-secondary education is still a few years into my future so I haven't done much looking-into it. And I'm bilingual and have a relatively easy time learning new languages. Just because you can't be helpful doesn't mean you have to verbally attack me and Americans.

Actual voice vs voice recorded?

I have a very weird problem. My actual voice sound ok to me, in fact when i go to karaoke and talk using the microphone, it sounded ok too. But when i record a video of myself, or a voice record of myself, my voice became very weird and sounded disgusting. What's wrong with this? Is it because of the recording devices i used or what? I used iphone video recorder, even a dslr recorder (but without the mic) and my voice is still weird. Should i invest in a add-on microphone like those singers used in the recording room to see if it's the problem of my voice or what? Can anyone advice me what is the problem?