Iphone Wi-Fi range is bad all the sudden?

My iphone all of the sudden started getting bad Wi-Fi reception. I used to have 3 Wi-Fi bars in my room and now i don't have any Wi-Fi bars 15 feet away from my router. There's also a kindle, a laptop, and 2 other iphones in my home and they get Wi-Fi fine. Also i use bluetooth in my car, i have to put the phone on the dashboard in order to get my bluetooth to work otherwise if its on my lap the music cuts in and out. Its a iphone 3gs, its half a year old and it has the latest firmware. Any ideas?

How to get contacts from icloud that were deleted?

I recently got the iPhone 5, and all of my contacts were backed up on iCloud. My sister got my old iPhone 4, and she deleted all of my old contacts off of the 4. That phone was still connected to iCloud, and deleted all of the contacts on my 5 as well. Needless to say, I'm gunna need to get those back. And would like to save a trip to the apple store. Ideas?

Hyundai Elantra Touring won't recognize my iPhone?

I plug my iPhone or iPod touch into Apple's cord, then into the USB slot in my 2010 Elantra Touring. It will alternate what it displays: for a split second, it says that is it charging, then it says it's not connected, then back to charging. I don't know what the problem is. I want to play my iPhone music on the Hyundai's sound system, and easily charge it too. Any suggestions/advice?

Where can I find a cheap custom iPhone case?

I was looking into getting a custom case for my iPhone 4, you know, one that I could customize with a picture. I can't find anywhere to get one less than like $30 or $40, so if someone could recommend a cheaper company that would be great! I'd like to have it below $20, but I'm not sure if there are any that cheap. I do want it to be a hard case, not a skin.

Do iPhone's have a limited amount of storage?

I'm getting an iPhone 4s soon, (I was about to get the iPhone 5, but my Aunt changed her mind, since it was cheaper)

is there a limited amount of how many photos you have, songs, message text, etc?

i'm really new to Apple stuff.

IPhone 4s spy software

I've been told that my boyfriend knows all my activities on my youtube account and facebook account. Is there any kind of software on iPhone that can monitor all my activities?

IPhone 4s Restarting NON STOP

I had my screen replaced on my iPhone 4s earlier today.
Now I have 1 minute of use and than the phone will turn it off and turn its self back on and repeat that. Every minute.
Please help. I paid 100$ for the screen replacement.