Problems with installing itunes?
Awhile back I had itunes, not sure why but I did, and today I got an iphone so I needed to install itunes again (i uninstalled it a month ago or so).So I installed it normally, it installed instantly then said "Itunes has been successfully installed" or something. I clicked finish and then nothing happened. No icon appeared on my desktop, nothing in program files, nothing. I looked to see if it was installed and I had nothing by apple, besides the installer of course, on my computer.
Added (1). Windows 7 64bit
Added (2). Karen, there's no itunes icon anywhere. There's no apple folder in program files. Nothing at all… I searched itunes on my computer and nothing besides the setup.exe and some empty folders came up. If itunes was installed, i would know it.
You might just had not got the desktop shortcut icon.
Fetch into the programs list and then send itunes to desktop which will create a shortcut on your desktop.
Still if you face any problem install back the latest iTunes version.
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