Repairing iPhone- do they give you a new one?

Hi! I bought my iphone 5 back in september. I now have 2 dents in it- one on the bottom right side of the frame, and one on the top left.
The sleep/wake button has stopped working in November.
I'm taking it to the apple store to repair it on Sunday, and even though my "service and coverage" support is still active, I wasn't sure whether they'd repair it since I have 2 dents in it.

I've heard they sometimes give people new iphones, to replace the broken ones. What does that depend on then?

If so, can you get a new colour, or not?

It depends on what your warranty is for and no changing the color is not in it because they will need to give you a new iphone and the reason is because changing the cover will be removing some parts from the mother board of your iphone that means you getting a new iphone! They will charge you if you want to change the color and it is not cheap I recommend you to buy a cover case insted

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