Someone took a picture of me without permission?

I was in a toilet cubicle in school and I was pulling down my skirt when I noticed someone's iphone over the top of the cubicle (the back wall). I don't know if they saw anything but I was so embarrassed and feel sick even thinking about it now. What should I do?
My mum says to report it but I'm so embarrassed.

Report it. It might sound embarrassing, but if the other person is caught they will probably (hopefully!) be even more embarrassed. They should be caught and disciplined.

Catch them if you can. But your not alone. These kind of pranks happen to all kinds of people all over the world, unfortunately.

Your mum is right, you should report it. This is the sort of stupid brain-dead thing that some cruel or unthinking people do. The picture could get onto Facebook or other sites and then you'd feel a lot worse and embarrassed.

People who do things like this only get away with it because they assume that their victims will be too embarrassed to report it. Then, when the big posting happens, it's too late.

Report it now, the school will be very sympathetic to you and will keep your report private. Then if the photo is posted they will be able to take very severe action against the perpetrator. There are ways of tracing the picture back to whoever took it. That should send the right message to prevent it happening again.
If the picture is not posted then you will not suffer any more embarrassment and the incident will disappear from your mind over time.

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