Sound problems on my iPhone 4S, what caused it?

Yesterday night I was trying to watch a YouTube video and the sound on my phone wasn't working. This morning, I set an alarm and went off fine. Now, the sound isn't working again. What's the problem? And when I press the volume buttons, it doesn't do anything!

This happened to me the other day. It happened after I dropped it. I turned my iPhone 4S off and then it worked again. Try that, hopefully it helps.

Maybe you need to turn it off n on then make it not as loud

Try resetting your phone. Menu>settings >general>reset network settings (don't worry this will not delete any of your stuff from your iPhone). If you call tech support this is what they are going to tell you to do but if it keeps going in and out like that you might have a hardware issue and you're going to have to go to the apple store to get it checked

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