Steve Jobs is a jackass. Do you agree?

And are you satisfied with your tiny iPhone with a tiny 4" screen? And the most annoying of all is to have to press the tiny Home button every time for a small task?

Steve jobs is a legend and an idol for most people, he isn't a jackass he changed the way touch screen phones were made. Plus he's dead for gods sake.

Are you normal? Please study Steve Jobses life and innovations in the techs… If he wouldn't be… You wouldn't have any smartphone or laptop or wheel / laser mouse tablet… You are a jackass!

Oh, the humanity!

Talking ill of the dead, is just rude, bro.

Speaking of the wrong side of history, looks like Bill Gates has a new fanboy.

Jackass? He changed the world, made your miserable life easier. Do you know how to create a touch screen phone? Tablet? Then STFU!

He has been dead for some time. Other people have been running his company since then. They have chosen not to change the iPhone until recently. I hear that a new version is coming out this month!

Well, the guy is dead, but I read that all you had to do was say hello to the guy at work and he would fire you.

People who knew him idolized and feared him. From the time he was NINETEEN!

If you want to see who he was, find a video set called "Triumph of the Nerds" -- a 3-pt video set starting from the earliest days of the Altair 8800 up to the release of Win95 (vid came out about then).

Jobs had a way of reducing the known Universe to twenty words or less. And you enjoyed hearing him say it.

The comment about him firing people for the slightest reason is partly true. He and Gates both had/have ferocious tempers, to the extent they throw what employers call "tantrums" if things aren't just so.