Effect of solar storms on gadgets?

Since yesterday, my car remote refused to work despite changing the batteries, the gate remote refused to work and no good reason could be found, my iPhone is suddenly not recognised by my PC and my car radio's clock will not be reset.

There was a major solar flare yesterday, and I was wondering if all these unexplained gadget crashes at once could have something to do with that, or if it was pure unluckyy coincidence?

They could… If you had all of your gadgets directly connected to several miles of elevated cable without benefit of circuit breakers or fuses, and live at very high latitude.

It takes a significant solar storm to affect your average electronics like a computer. Such a storm would cause regional and potentially global outages of infrastructure before they affected personal electronics, so no this is not the cause of your problems.

> There was a major solar flare yesterday, and I was wondering if all these unexplained gadget crashes at once could have something to do with that,

Highly unlikely, since the minor CME is not due to arrive at Earth until July 7.

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