Unlocking a phone from one carrier?

Is there any quick way to unlock my iPhone from my carrier as I have come to the end of my contract.
I have contacted my service provider and they have said it will take a maximum of 20 days. This means I'll be without a phone for up to 20 days and I don't want that. Is there a quicker way?


Really, normally only takes 48 hours at the most, to send off the request for the unlock code from the manufacturer if they don't have it in their own database. You can PAY one of the many cell phone unlocking services to do the job, if your carrier wants to drag their feet for 20 days, and if you are going that route, find a LOCAL to your business that does this, this way you can wait for it to be done, or they can tell you when to come back to get it done while you wait.

You can also do this online, but unless you know which companies to go to and which ones to avoid, you can get scammed.