Victorians: How much do you love your iPhones?

Hi, I'm from Victoria also and was just wondering how much you love your iPhones, Galaxies and Lumias from their respective companies. I was an Apple fanboy who used to attack Android handsets, but now have made the swtich to the Lumias with their metro UI and the phone I bought having 41 megapixels.

Anyway, I just watched this advert on YouTube and was wondering if you would actually make the switch from any of the existing handsets to this new technology from Samsung.

< Thy will mention flexible OLED screens that haverdarker blacks and being flexible at the same time. I'm pretty sure this WILL change how you will see and use a smartphone in the future.

Added (1). *They*, not Thy.

They are useless where I'm, and I hate the things, I find them as a safety hazard… Think about that one for a minute or three.

  • Why does everyone love iPhones? Why does everyone love and have iPhones? They are the worst phones ever! I think androids are way better. The iPhone is the same thing every year! Whenever my friends get an iPhone they are all like "yay! I got an iPhone!" But if they get an android they just say "i got a new phone" I'd never trade my galaxy got an iPhone. Why does everyone love them? They are terrible.
  • Why does everybody in love with iphones? Android has improved drastically and is now way ahead of iPhone. You can buy a galaxy s3 or a galaxy note for the same price as a little iphone 5… Why are consumers so dumb? Iphones are OK but way overpriced and there's no way to customize them without jailbreaking. *why is everybody in love with iphones?
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  • Why do people LOVE or HATE iPhones? - 1 Why do people love or hate Apple products? I mean if you prefer Android phone over iPhone it doesn't mean you gotta be a rip on every product you think isn't quite as good. It's like people hate Apple for no apparent reason. Or just cause they are popular or pricier. Does it really matter? Can't we all just get along?