What are some sterotypes of white American girls?

I'm an American, white, teen girl, with long blonde hair, I wear uggs, I wear pink, the brand pink, Hollister, American eagle, and what not. I have an iPhone, cracked the corner of the screen, and people say I'm a stereotypical white girl. And I would just like to know what are some stereotypes of white girls?

Umm… There's your stereotype, there's the girls that look nerdy, there's shy girls that secretly smoke and drink, there's emo and goth girls and there's Kawaii girls that try to look like Asians.
I have no idea if what I said it actually stereotypes but I'm just saying those cuz' I have/had friends from this types.

Sadly the stereotype of white girls is that they are entirely boring with no true fashion sense and they are entirely average. I moved to LA recently and luckily I have a more diverse style so I'm personally referred to by a diverse group of people at my college as "not your typical white girl" and uggs, hollister, basically everything you just named is out of style like desperately out of style. Follow some fashion blogs, even look at forever 21 online especially Brandy Melville. You need a fashion make over.

Wearing uggs, yoga pants, hair extensions, north face, drinking Starbucks, having an iPhone, loving Nash Greer

You are the epitome of a white girl, do you like Nutella? If so, congratulations, you are officially fully conforming to your stereotype! Thank you for participating in the destruction of our already crumbling society!

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