What camera is more accurate?

I have an iPhone 7. The front facing camera and the back facing camera look so different. I know the front facing one flips the image - but after the photo is taken I've heard it goes back to normal. I feel like I look a lot better when I take a photo with the front facing one than the other one. What is more accurate?

IPhone 7


It's not how you actually compare to your picture. It's a matter of how you look in the picture. The sooner you see the difference, the earlier you'll want a real camera.

Probably the back facing - however, the wide angle lense may give it more of a fisheye effect, so for close up photos, the front is better.

Your question shows you do not have a clue what you are asking. First of an iPhone is not a camera! Second, you asked "What camera is more accurate"… That means we should have at least two cameras to choose from, you did not even include one for us to make a choice from. I see why you posted the question anonymously.

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