What can i bring on an airplane to tokyo?

Hi! I'm traviling to japan and i need to know if the list of items i have is ok to bring on the plane.
a couple packs of ciggeretts
around 500-600 dollars
reason being that much money is i will be there fo a month and i need money during my stay
and also can anyone tell me if english is common in tokyo?

All fine for all those things.

However $500 - 600 will not be enough for a couple of months. That would be okay for maybe a couple of weeks - and even then only if you stay in the cheapest of places, eat only cheap ramen noodles, and don't do anything.
$600 = 56, 000 yen. A cheap hotel room will be maybe 5, 000 yen per night, even a hostel will be 2, 500. Meals will be 500 - 1000 yen if you eat fairly cheaply. Maybe the least you can live on might be 5, 000 yen per day.So, your money only takes you 11 days or so.

English is not so common in Tokyo. You can get about - there are English signs, but not so many Japanese speak English well.

Everything but the 500-600 dollars is okay. $500 to $600 is barely enough for 5 days and that assumes you sleep in something like a capsule hotel and eat cheap convenience store food which is not something I would do for 3 days straight.

English is not common in Japan. At least not the english you will understand and most Japanese will not understand your english. But you can get around Tokyo without much problem if you do some prepartion such as learning some useful phrases such as those in Traveler's Phrase Book and understand the layout of Tokyo.

No problem.

>and also can anyone tell me if english is common in tokyo?

Not many speak English in Tokyo. But public transportation has English announcement and statement.

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