What is the downside of living in the ghetto on welfare?

Trayvon had been had him an iphone, ipad, ipod, MacBook Pro, high speed internet access, and he had a wad of cash on his person after the accident. Any white suburban kid would have exactly the same stuff, so I wonder how bad can being "poor" in America be?

You probably never get out.

Trayvon Martin wasn't poor.

And I'd like to know how you know what stuff Trayvon had at the time of his death.

Trayvon Martin wasn't living in a ghetto or on welfare.

That neighborhood was lower middle-class, not a ghetto.

Nothing about human existence is fair. In this world if you don't cheat you don't get ahead. "Beelzebub"

You can't get out of it.

Drug dealing brings profit…

Why won't you people get over the Zimmerman case? Jeez he's not guilty now get over it.

Where is your source that shows he had all those things? How do you know he was on welfare You have no credibility.

Living in ghetto areas in the usa is not only dangerous but there are a lot of cons. For instance the sanitation of the area isn't the best, crime rates are high, gang violence thrives, and not only that you'll be paying a lot of money for a living arrangement that's less then good.plumbing isn't always the best, and while you're paying for things to be fixed you have bills to pay. Not really a good way of living but we do what we have too to survive.

This can't be a serious question. You need to read the papers and get out in the real world.

Being hood rich is awesome. Not everyone in the hood is ghetto, and mooch off welfare. Lots of hard working blue collar citizens earn enough disposable income to buy nicer stuff with the money they save from lower property taxes, mortgages, commute, etc. Its the lower class bougie white people that desire to be "upper middle class" the ones that get screwed over. They try to live beyond their socio-econimic class.

The downside would be having to live around a bunch of gang bangers and thugs just like Trayvon!

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