What is the purpose of notifications on my iphone and should i turn them off?
What is the purpose of notifications on my iphone and should i turn them off?
They are so you are notified by apps depending on how your settings are set up. If you have your notifications on for your mail then you will get notified that you have received a new email. I think that some notifications are useful but others are not. You can modify what apps you will allow to send you notification in the settings app.
It is frequently used by the developers of free apps and games, to constantly remind you that there are extra features and microtransactions you can be spending money on, and that you should spend spend SPEND.
They also let you know that you haven't played a specific game in X-amount of days, and you should play it again so that you will be inclined to spend money on microtransactions
To a lesser extent, notifications will let you know when you are getting messages or an email.
It's best to turn ALL notifications OFF, except for apps that involve email and communication.
They allow you to see what an alert is for without unlocking the phone.
Some are useful, such as when you get a message or an email and others may be annoying or pointless.
You can enable or disable them for every app on the phone; just turn off any that you do not want.
They are *really* useful if you have a smartwatch, as the watch shows the alert - you can read a text without touching the phone or see who is calling before you start getting your phone out & decide whether to answer or not.
To notify you of things in the apps. You could if you want, though I don't see the point.
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