What's the minimum age to work at the Apple Store?

Well, there's this Apple store that's (literally) across the street from where I live & (I'm 15) I want to start getting money on my own cause I don't wanna keep asking my mom for money when I go out with my friends and stuff & I heard that Apple employees get paid a lot. (I have the iPhone 5 & Mac & Macbook pro 13" so I know how to use the Apple products pretty well) so I was just wondering.

You have to be 18 years old.

I'm guessing its 18.Im not sure. But I can tell you that apple probably won't hire anybody with out any experience or specialized education in the field of computers science/ hardware/ software ect. Its a possibility to work there because technically you can work at 16, but I would not get your hopes up. There's a lot of competition for that job so they probably won't even look at a 16 year olds application. Sorry.

Hey there's no minimum age but i heard the youngest one so far was of 21year old so ask them instead and you can work in any store why apple (i mean for us Apple is a god of Cell phones and laptops so i would prefer some small stores first to do the freshmen first) any ways best of luck

Most reputable employees except restaurants and convenience stores will not hire anyone younger than 18. And even then for apple store, hiring someone with no previous employment who's 18 is risky with all the expensive merchandise they're privy too. I'm sorry to say but it's the cold hard truth. Start working in retail at Walgreens or a grocery store to start, then when you're 19 or so apply for a job at the apple store. You'll not only stand a chance of getting a call age and experience-wise but you will appreciate your job and be less likely to get canned.

18 is the minimum age

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