When the apple store replaces my iphone will they see all of my photos etc?

I'm getting my iphone replaced next week and i need to know if they take the data/memory card out or whatever & view your photos etc?

i'm a bit worried because my elder sister has been using this phone for the past 2/3 months and works for a law firm, hence has screenshotted confidential documents onto the phone which she signed a contract saying she would not show/disclose any of that information. The phone is broken and does not turn on, therefore there's no way this data can be deleted before the replacement.could anyone explain what they do in the apple store with the memory/data from your phone when they replace it and give you a new one?

I'm guessing when you take it in you could just explain the situation (or at least say "I would rather the pictures aren't viewed.") They should respect your wishes.

They don't have time to look through your stuff man. Just tell them that you have important data on your phone and ask them to transfer it to your new phone.they'll do it right away infront of you

Apple will send you a replacement phone and will refurbish your broken phone in order to use the parts or refurbish the whole unit to give to someone else as a replacement.

They will clean the memory board and all data on the phone as soon as they receive it in their repair centre, so I wouldn't worry about any confidential data falling into the wrong hands.

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