Which iphone would they send me?

I have a 4S and I broke the screen the other day. I got the insurance (I know everybody thinks it's a waste, but I downhill mtb with mine so it was only a matter of time) so that means I get either a new or a factory refurbished phone when I send it in. Has anybody done this recently? I'm wondering if I'll get a 4S or a 5? I see they are only selling the 4S in the 16g online. I have the 64g.

I would have thought they would send you them same one as you have

The iPhone 5 is the most recent update of smartphone. It is thinner, lighter and faster than the iPhone 4S. I will recommended you to buy iphone on Apple certified company.

What makes you think you will get 5? So you think a broken phone is an automatic free upgrade? Obviously that won't happen.
Refurbished is fine though, it doesn't mean anything is wrong with it, could just be a part they replaced etc, but its still a new phone.